Photoshop CC 2019 One-on-One: Mastery
Released: 08/21/2019
Discover how to be the best Photoshop user you know with reigning expert Deke McClelland. In this final installment of his comprehensive three-part One-on-One series, Deke explains how Photoshop works at its highest level. Get around Photoshop more quickly by loading dozens of new and revised keyboard shortcuts. Experience the power of Smart Filters, dynamic effects, and such seemingly mundane (but secretly awesome) topics as blur and noise. Discover how to mask images with the Calculations command, and manipulate paths with the Pen tool. Learn how to assemble 360° panoramas, edit videos, and work with such exotic features as layer comps, artboards, libraries, and actions. Leave each chapter with a sense of real accomplishment that you can apply to your own marketable, eye-popping artwork.
For the 2019 version, Deke has added all-new tutorials and exercise files, so there's something new for even long-time fans.
Topics include:
Loading dekeKeys, Deke’s custom keyboard shortcuts
Assigning and converting color profiles
Using dynamic Smart Filters to creative effect
Turning a cityscape into a tiny planet
Hunting down seams with the Offset filter
Distorting an image with the Glass filter
Using blur and noise to focus attention and simulate motion
Understanding Texture and Clarity in Camera Raw
Deploying alpha channels as layer masks
Masking subjects set against black or white backgrounds
Using the Calculations command
Tracing and drawing path outlines with the Pen tool
Creating extremely high-resolution panoramas
Editing videos captured with DSLR or device cameras
Capturing alternate images and slideshows with layer comps
Exporting artboards as assets and multipage PDFs
Collaborating and exchanging assets from the Libraries panel
Recording multistep operations from the Actions panel
Batch-processing hundreds or even thousands of images
Released: 08/21/2019
Discover how to be the best Photoshop user you know with reigning expert Deke McClelland. In this final installment of his comprehensive three-part One-on-One series, Deke explains how Photoshop works at its highest level. Get around Photoshop more quickly by loading dozens of new and revised keyboard shortcuts. Experience the power of Smart Filters, dynamic effects, and such seemingly mundane (but secretly awesome) topics as blur and noise. Discover how to mask images with the Calculations command, and manipulate paths with the Pen tool. Learn how to assemble 360° panoramas, edit videos, and work with such exotic features as layer comps, artboards, libraries, and actions. Leave each chapter with a sense of real accomplishment that you can apply to your own marketable, eye-popping artwork.
For the 2019 version, Deke has added all-new tutorials and exercise files, so there's something new for even long-time fans.
Topics include:
Loading dekeKeys, Deke’s custom keyboard shortcuts
Assigning and converting color profiles
Using dynamic Smart Filters to creative effect
Turning a cityscape into a tiny planet
Hunting down seams with the Offset filter
Distorting an image with the Glass filter
Using blur and noise to focus attention and simulate motion
Understanding Texture and Clarity in Camera Raw
Deploying alpha channels as layer masks
Masking subjects set against black or white backgrounds
Using the Calculations command
Tracing and drawing path outlines with the Pen tool
Creating extremely high-resolution panoramas
Editing videos captured with DSLR or device cameras
Capturing alternate images and slideshows with layer comps
Exporting artboards as assets and multipage PDFs
Collaborating and exchanging assets from the Libraries panel
Recording multistep operations from the Actions panel
Batch-processing hundreds or even thousands of images