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BenVista PhotoZoom Pro v7.0.2 MacOSX + SN

BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 7.0.2 Multilingual (OSX)
Standalone & Plug-in.

PhotoZoom Pro 7 not only creates larger images than any other software (up to 1 million by 1 million pixels), it also produces higher quality results. PhotoZoom Pro 7 is equipped with S-Spline Max, a unique, award-winning image resize technology which excels at preserving clean edges, sharpness, and fine details.

Even noisy, compressed originals can be enlarged successfully. Normally, noise and JPEG compression artifacts become disturbingly visible during enlargement. PhotoZoom Pro 7 however offers the tools to eliminate these distortions. You'll be amazed by the amount of detail PhotoZoom Pro 7 is able to dig up from below the mess.

PhotoZoom Pro 7 works both as a stand-alone application and as a plug-in for various host programs, such as Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Photoshop® Elements, Corel® PHOTO-PAINT, and Corel® PaintShop Pro. Also, PhotoZoom Pro 7 fully integrates with Adobe® Lightroom®! Optimized for both printing and on-screen purposes, PhotoZoom Pro 7 is an absolute must-have for anyone who wants to resize images at the highest possible quality.

What's New in PhotoZoom Pro 7:
Here is a quick overview of the most important additions:
- Enhanced S-Spline Max resize method with new Brighten Shadows and Fix Overexposure filters
- Prints images directly from PhotoZoom
- Now integrates with Adobe Lightroom
- Optimized presets for different types of photos and graphics
- Enhanced speed: even faster image processing
- Stand-alone application now also opens PSD images (plug-in already supported PSD)
- High-DPI interface support (compatible with 4K screens)
- macOS 10.12 (Sierra), Adobe Photoshop CC 2017, Adobe Photoshop Elements 15, Adobe Lightroom 6.4, Corel PHOTO-PAINT X8, and Corel PaintShop Pro X9.

BenVista PhotoZoom Pro v7.0.2 OSX+SN

BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 7.0.2 Multilingual (MacOSX)
Standalone & Plug-in.

PhotoZoom Pro 7 not only creates larger images than any other software (up to 1 million by 1 million pixels), it also produces higher quality results. PhotoZoom Pro 7 is equipped with S-Spline Max, a unique, award-winning image resize technology which excels at preserving clean edges, sharpness, and fine details.

Even noisy, compressed originals can be enlarged successfully. Normally, noise and JPEG compression artifacts become disturbingly visible during enlargement. PhotoZoom Pro 7 however offers the tools to eliminate these distortions. You'll be amazed by the amount of detail PhotoZoom Pro 7 is able to dig up from below the mess.

PhotoZoom Pro 7 works both as a stand-alone application and as a plug-in for various host programs, such as Adobe® Photoshop®, Adobe® Photoshop® Elements, Corel® PHOTO-PAINT, and Corel® PaintShop Pro. Also, PhotoZoom Pro 7 fully integrates with Adobe® Lightroom®! Optimized for both printing and on-screen purposes, PhotoZoom Pro 7 is an absolute must-have for anyone who wants to resize images at the highest possible quality.

What's New in PhotoZoom Pro 7:
Here is a quick overview of the most important additions:
- Enhanced S-Spline Max resize method with new Brighten Shadows and Fix Overexposure filters
- Prints images directly from PhotoZoom
- Now integrates with Adobe Lightroom
- Optimized presets for different types of photos and graphics
- Enhanced speed: even faster image processing
- Stand-alone application now also opens PSD images (plug-in already supported PSD)
- High-DPI interface support (compatible with 4K screens)
- MacOS 10.12 (Sierra), Adobe Photoshop CC 2017, Adobe Photoshop Elements 15, Adobe Lightroom 6.4, Corel PHOTO-PAINT X8, and Corel PaintShop Pro X9.

Tutsplus – Mastering the Filter Forge Plugin for Adobe Photoshop

Filter Forge 5 is one of the most impressive plugins for Photoshop to come out in years. Its ability to create realistic custom-made textures is virtually unmatched. In this course you will learn everything from the basics of using a preset texture to downloading a filter from the online library to creating your own complex, node-based, rendered textures.


ACD System 2017

ACDSee Ultimate 10

La libertÉ; crÉ;ative ultime

Logiciel tout-en-un de retouche multicalque et de gestion des ressources numÉ;riques, ainsi que l'É;dition de fichiers RAW en multicouches, ACDSee Ultimate 10 dÉ;montre fièrement qu'il n'est plus nÉ;cessaire d'acquÉ;rir et d'exÉ;cuter plusieurs applications pour rÉ;pondre à tous vos besoins de retouche et d'organisation de vos images. Avec ses calques de rÉ;glage tirant parti de l'accÉ;lÉ;ration matÉ;rielle, sa prise en charge du format RAW, ses centaines de filtres et de rÉ;glages et ses outils d'accÉ;lÉ;ration du travail perfectionnÉ;s au fil des dÉ;cennies, ACDSee Ultimate 10 permet de crÉ;er facilement des photographies de qualitÉ; professionnelle, des publicitÉ;s originales, des graphismes innovants et de puissantes images artistiques.

Configuration Requise


Processeur Intel® Pentium® 4 ou AMD Athlon® 64 (2 GHz or É;quivalent)
2 Go of RAM (6 Go recommandÉ
RAM vidÉ;o (VRAM) requis - 512Mo
Adaptateur graphique DirectX 10 compatible
Carte graphique haute couleur d'une rÉ;solution de 1024 x 768 (1280 x 1024 recommandÉ
2Go d’espace disque libre


Microsoft® Windows® 7 (SP1), Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1 & Windows® 10 (É;ditions 64-bit seulement)
Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 9+
Microsoft® DirectX® 10.0 ou supÉ;rieur
Windows Media® Player 9.0


ACDSee Pro 10

Maîtrise complète de la photographie

DotÉ; de toutes les fonctions nÉ;cessaires pour valoriser au mieux vos images, ACDSee Pro 10 met É;galement à votre disposition des outils de gestion facile de vos ressources numÉ;riques, l'É;dition de fichiers RAW et des centaines de rÉ;glages non destructifs pour amÉ;liorer et contrôler votre production d'images. ExÉ;cutez rapidement toutes les tâches essentielles de votre sÉ;quence de production grâce à ce robuste membre de la famille ACDSee, qui gère les capacitÉ;s du processeur graphique.

Configuration Requise


Processuer Intel® Pentium® III / AMD Athlon ou É;quivalent (Intel® Pentium® 4 / AMD Athlon XP ou É;quivalent recommandÉ
512 Mo RAM (1 Go RAM recommandÉ
RAM vidÉ;o (VRAM) requis - 512Mo
Adaptateur graphique DirectX 10 compatible
310 Mo espace disque libre (1 Go recommandÉ
Carte graphique haute couleur d'une rÉ;solution de 1024 x 768 (1280 x 1024 recommandÉ


Microsoft® Windows® 7 (SP1), Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1 & Windows® 10
Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 9+
Microsoft® DirectX® 10.0 ou supÉ;rieur
Windows Media® Player 9.0


SeePlus™ DICOM

L'imagerie numÉ;rique et les communications en mÉ;decine (DICOM) est devenue la norme internationale pour transmettre l'information en imagerie mÉ;dicale. SeePlus ™ DICOM dessert une variÉ;tÉ; d'industries, y compris les assurances, les soins dentaires, etc., avec un pouvoir de visualisation pour ce format de messagerie mÉ;dicale largement diffusÉ;. Comparez les images, zoom, tournez, inversez, ajustez la luminositÉ; et le contraste au besoin et enregistrez vos fichiers DICOM en JPEG.

Configuration Requise


Processuer Intel® Pentium® III / AMD Athlon ou É;quivalent (Intel® Pentium® 4 / AMD Athlon XP ou É;quivalent recommandÉ
512 Mo RAM (1 Go RAM recommandÉ
RAM vidÉ;o (VRAM) requis - 512Mo
Adaptateur graphique DirectX 10 compatible
310 Mo espace disque libre (1 Go recommandÉ
Carte graphique haute couleur d'une rÉ;solution de 1024 x 768 (1280 x 1024 recommandÉ


Microsoft® Windows® 7 (SP1), Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1 & Windows® 10
Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 9+
Microsoft® DirectX® 10.0 ou supÉ;rieur
Windows Media® Player 9.0


Video Converter Pro 4

Conversion de vidÉ;o rapide et facile

ACDSee Video Converter 4 supprime l'incertitude dans la conversion des fichiers vidÉ;os et convertit facilement et rapidement les fichiers vidÉ;os HD 720p and 1080p entre les formats les plus populaires pour la lecture de haute qualitÉ; sur les appareils mobiles, incluant iPhone 5 et Samsung Galaxy S4. Mettre en ligne vos vidÉ;os sur YouTube et poster sur Facebook et Twitter pour un partage pratique. Vous pouvez aussi extraire votre audio MP3 favori de vos fichiers vidÉ;os.

Prenez la version Pro pour faire encore plus avec vos vidÉ;os: graver et extraire les DVD, regarder les aperçus, ajuster le volume, crÉ;er des images fixes, et couper vos parties favorites.

Configuration requise

Intel® Pentium® 4 - 1GHz ou supÉ;rieur
92 Mo d'espace disponible sur le disque dur - 100 Mo recommandÉ;
512 Mo de mÉ;moire vive ou supÉ;rieur


Microsoft® Windows® XP (avec Service Pack 3)
Windows Vista®
Windows® 7
Windows® 8/8.1
Windows® 10


Video Studio 2

Simple à utiliser, mais polyvalent, ACDSee Video Studio 2 est un montage vidÉ;o basÉ; sur la valeur sans la courbe d'apprentissage. Importez vos propres images, travaillez avec vos mÉ;dias existants ou gÉ;nÉ;rez les vôtres. CrÉ;ez, É;ditez, divisez, ajustez et fusionnez des enregistrements audio et vidÉ;o, ajoutez des lÉ;gendes et des transitions, puis effectuez des sÉ;lections personnalisÉ;es pour crÉ;er l'expÉ;rience de visionnement ultime. Enregistrez quoi que ce soit sur votre É;cran ou vous-même, rendez-vous en HD, puis partagez en toute transparence votre chef-d'œuvre sur les mÉ;dias sociaux à partir du programme.

Configuration requise


Intel Pentium 4 - 1GHz ou supÉ;rieur.
92 Mo d'espace libre sur le disque dur - 100 Mo recommandÉ;.
512 Mo de RAM physique totale - plus É;levÉ;e est recommandÉ;e.


Microsoft Windows® 7 (É;dition 64 bits uniquement)
Microsoft Windows® 8 / 8.1 (É;dition 64 bits uniquement)
Microsoft Windows® 10 (É;dition 64 bits uniquement)


Canvas X 2017 GIS

Le Canvas X 2017 GIS est un outil indispensable pour les professionnels des SIG dans les secteurs du pÉ;trole et du gaz et de l'É;nergie, de l'aÉ;rospatiale et de l'automobile, de l'É;ducation, du gouvernement et bien plus encore. Tout en prenant en charge un large É;ventail de formats SIG, y compris les gÉ;odatabases de fichiers ESRI, Canvas X 2017 SIG est rempli d'innombrables outils pour dÉ;finir des projections cartographiques complexes, effectuer des opÉ;rations de propriÉ;tÉ; avancÉ;es et gÉ;rer avec audace des projets gÉ;ospatiaux avec plus d'un million d'objets.

Configuration requise

Processeur Intel® Pentium® 4 ou supÉ;rieur 64 bits
4 Go de RAM installÉ;s
2 Go d'espace libre sur le disque dur (4 Go recommandÉ;s)
Couleur 16 bits ou plus (couleur rÉ;elle recommandÉ;e)
RÉ;solution d'É;cran 1024x768 ou supÉ;rieure recommandÉ;e


Windows® 7, Windows® 8 ou Windows® 8.1, Windows® 10 (tous les systèmes d'exploitation 64 bits)


ACDSee Photo Editor 6

DÉ;couvrez votre gÉ;nie d'É;dition photo interne. ACDSee Photo Editor 6 vous permet de crÉ;er facilement les photos que vous avez toujours imaginÉ;es. Appliquer des effets É;poustouflants et des filtres, travailler avec des couches d'objets sans effort, rapidement corriger les dÉ;fauts communs photo, et faire des modifications avancÉ;es comme un pro. Avec ACDSee Photo Editor 6, vous avez le pouvoir de transformer n'importe quel plan en votre plus extraordinaire encore.

Configuration requise

Intel Pentium 4-Class ou É;quivalent.
512 Mo de RAM (2 Go de RAM recommandÉ;s)
300 Mo d'espace disque disponible (1 Go recommandÉ
Couleur 16 bits ou plus (couleur rÉ;elle recommandÉ;e)
RÉ;solution d'É;cran 1024x768 ou supÉ;rieure recommandÉ;e


Microsoft® Windows® XP avec Service Pack 3, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, Windows® 8
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 ou supÉ;rieur


Type de fichier......: .ISO
Taille...............: 973 Mo

The Art of Metal Gear Solid V

184 pages
Date: November 15, 2016
Publisher: Dark Horse Books
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1506701108
ISBN-13: 978-1506701103

Witness the concept and design behind the genre-defining science fiction military action and drama with The Art of Metal Gear Solid V!

Chronicling the development of Kojima Productions's magnum opus, and featuring hundreds of pieces of never-before-seen art, this beautifully assembled volume is an essential addition to any gamer's collection. Dark Horse is proud to offer a piece of gaming history with The Art of Metal Gear Solid V!


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The Hidden Art of Disney's Golden Age

They Drew as They Pleased: The Hidden Art of Disney's Golden Age
Author: Didier Ghez , Introduction: Pete Docter

As the Walt Disney Studio entered its first decade and embarked on some of the most ambitious animated films of the time, Disney hired a group of "concept artists" whose sole mission was to explore ideas and inspire their fellow animators. They Drew as They Pleased showcases four of these early pioneers and features artwork developed by them for the Disney shorts from the 1930s, including many unproduced projects, as well as for Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, and some early work for later features such as Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan. Introducing new biographical material about the artists and including largely unpublished artwork from the depths of the Walt Disney Archives and the Disney Animation Research Library, this volume offers a window into the most inspiring work created by the best Disney artists during the studio's early golden age.

They Drew as They Pleased is the first in what promises to be a revealing and fascinating series of books about Disney's largely unexamined concept artists, with six volumes spanning the decades between the 1930s and 1990s.


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Udemy - Learn to Program by Making Games in Unity

Learn how to program by creating your very own games using Unity3D, an industry-standard program used by many large gaming studios and indie developers across the world.

In this course, you won’t just be learning programming concepts, but tying these concepts to real game development uses. You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss the topics covered in the course as well as the next steps to take once the course is complete.

This course has been designed to be easily understandable to everyone, so whether you’re a complete beginner, an artist looking to expand their game development range or a programmer interested in understanding game design, this course will help you gain a greater understanding of development.

At the end of this course you will have developed the ability to create such game elements as:
A character to control
Collectibles such as coins, extra lives & extra health
Different types of enemies to combat
Dangers such as Spikes, Saws & moving platforms
User Interface with interactive menus
Multiple levels and a level select screen
A unique and challenging boss battle
Start learning today and let me help you become a game developer!

What are the requirements?
Mac or PC capable of running Unity 3D
A copy of Unity available for free from unity3d.com
What am I going to get from this course?

Learn C#, a modern versatile programming language.
Understand the capabilities of game development using Unity.
Develop strong and transferrable problem solving skills.
Gain an understanding of the game development process.
Learn how object oriented programming works in practice.
What is the target audience?

Complete beginners with an interest in learning game development.
Developers who want to re-skill across to game development.
Anyone who wants to make their own games.
People interested in working in the game design industy.
Please who want to create and publish their own games.
Competent and confident with using a computer.

Attack on Titan artbook vol.1/vol.2

If you're familiar with other groundwork books then you'll know what you're in for here. 296 pages bursting with artwork from Attack On Titan. Key Animation, Ground Works, x-sheets, sketches of Episode 1 to 3, so much art it will make your head spin. It's an amazing reference piece for fans and for anyone interested in animation in general. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

Cities Skylines - Digital Artbook

Cities Skylines - Digital Artbook

The Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy

My note: Although the director of the trilogy does not like to use a lot of CGI, there are many things in this book related to computer graphics: concept arts, props (batmobile sequences, weapons, armor), landscapes, wide views of Gotham City, storyboards, characters (two faces), the bats, crowd scenes, and more.

“It was inevitable that there would be CG shots of the Bat,” Christopher Nolan.

Amazon Description:
In 2005, director Christopher Nolan redefined the Batman legend with Batman Begins, starring Christian Bale as the Caped Crusader. A fresh, dynamic reboot of the franchise, Batman Begins explored the comic book hero’s origins and his evolution from billionaire Bruce Wayne to dark avenger who fights crime and corruption in Gotham City. A 2008 sequel, The Dark Knight, took those compelling, character-driven foundations and raised the stakes, pitting Batman against a deranged master criminal, the Joker, in an all-out war for Gotham’s soul. Now, the final film of Nolan’s trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises, is 2012’s most anticipated film release.
The Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy tells the complete behind-the-scenes story of these three monumental films. Based on in-depth interviews with Nolan and all of the films’ key cast and crew—including cowriters David S. Goyer and Jonathan Nolan, cinematographer Wally Pfister, and more—the book reveals the creative process behind the epic Dark Knight Trilogy, supported by lavish art and never-before-seen photography.

BATMAN and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.

Praise for The Art and Making of the Dark Knight Trilogy:

“A beautifully artistic photo book . . . For anyone who ever wanted to make a movie, The Art and Making of The Dark Knight Trilogy is as good a blueprint, as well as being an engrossing tale, of the making of a mega-hit film series.” —McClatchy Newspapers

“This chance to revisit Batman Begins and The Dark Knight in ways both smart and definitive has revived my faith and enthusiasm on numerous levels. Kudos to authors Jody Duncan Jesser and Janine Pourroy for pulling off what seems like a daunting task, and doing so with style to spare.” —School Library Journal

“The book reveals the creative process behind the epic Dark Knight Trilogy, supported by lavish art and never-before-seen photography.” —Washington Examiner

“Every aspect of Nolan’s filmmaking process is detailed in Jesser and Pourroy’s fantastic, gorgeous book, accompanied by hundreds of high-quality photographs and illustrations. I could easily see it selling for $60–$75 because of the crazy amount of Bat-tastic geeky goodness within. BUY. THIS. BOOK.” —Geeks of Doom

“This sumptuous coffee table book is pretty much the perfect studio-sanctioned guidebook through Nolan's films . . . No stone is unturned, and no interesting production still or story is neglected . . . No need to say more here, I think: if you love these movies . . . you’ll find this book to be an absolute treasure.” —Comics Bulletin


PS: The PDF version is the best. The EPUB layout has some conversion issues.

zov |||

Red Giant Effects Suite 11.1.10

System requirements:
- Adobe After Effects CC CS5 - CC 2017
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC CS5 - CC 2017
- Adobe Photoshop CC CS5 - CC 2017

- Sony Vegas 12,13
- Davinci Resolve 11,12

- Avid Media Composer 5.5, 6, 6.5 or later

- HitFilm 2017

Home Page - http://www.redgiant.com/

Magic Bullet Suite v13.0.1

System requirements:
- Adobe After Effects CC CS5 - CC 2017
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC CS5 - CC 2017
- Adobe Photoshop CC CS5 - CC 2017

- Sony Vegas 12,13
- Davinci Resolve 11,12

- Avid Media Composer 5.5, 6, 6.5 or later

- HitFilm 2017

Home Page - http://www.redgiant.com/

Trapcode Suite 13.1.1

System requirements:
- Adobe After Effects CC CS5 - CC 2017
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC CS5 - CC 2017
- Adobe Photoshop CC CS5 - CC 2017

- Sony Vegas 12,13
- Davinci Resolve 11,12

- Avid Media Composer 5.5, 6, 6.5 or later

- HitFilm 2017

Home Page - http://www.redgiant.com/

Red Giant Universe 2.0.0

System requirements:
- Adobe After Effects CC CS5 - CC 2017
- Adobe Premiere Pro CC CS5 - CC 2017
- Adobe Photoshop CC CS5 - CC 2017

- Sony Vegas 12,13
- Davinci Resolve 11,12

- Avid Media Composer 5.5, 6, 6.5 or later

- HitFilm 2017

Home Page - http://www.redgiant.com/

Filter Forge 6.0 for Photoshop (OSX)


What is Filter Forge:

On the surface, Filter Forge is just a Photoshop plugin, a pack of filters that generate textures, create visual effects, enhance photos, process images. However, there are 3 things that make Filter Forge unique:

1. You can create your own filters. Filter Forge comes with a visual node-based editor allowing you to create your own filters – textures, effects, distortions, backgrounds, frames, you name it. All filters automatically support 16- and 32-bit modes in Photoshop, real-world HDRI lighting, bump and normal maps, huge resolutions, and most filters can be seamlessly tiled.

2. You get free access to 11933 user-created filters. Anyone can contribute their textures and effects to the online filter collection so it grows with every submitted filter. This means the more people use Filter Forge, the better it gets.

3. Contributors get Filter Forge for free. You submit filters, they get popular with the users, we send you a free copy of Filter Forge. Sounds simple but don't expect a giveaway, you will have to earn it.

New features of version 6:

- Full 64-bit support
- Mappable checkbox inputs
- Support for drag-and-drop on the Presets tab

New features from version 5:
- Speed Improvements
- Pixel Awareness
- Modulo Component

About the Crack:

It is an Unlimited Trial without restrictions.

Tested and working on Photoshop CC 2015.5

Xgen Hair for Characters

Xgen Hair for Characters

Recently I decided to learn Xgen for Maya because I wanted to give my character some convincing hair. I found it strange that there was very few quality tutorials out there explaining a solid process of doing this.

I learnt as much as I could from the tutorials available and self taught the rest. I thought this would be a great opportunity to share what I had learnt.

In this tutorial you will receive over 4 hours of content which describes my process of generating hair without the use of scripts or expressions. This includes generating scalps to grow the hairs from and the process of applying and grooming hair for all regions of the head and face, including:

- head

- eyebrows

- eyelashes

- beard

- peach fuzz

In the final chapter I then show you how to use arnold to build convincing hair shaders and render them for the desired result.

The software used in this tutorial consists of Zbrush, Maya 2017 and Arnold for rendering.

If you want a quick preview of what can be seen in the tutorial hit the link below and it will show you my intro video:


I hope you enjoy the tutorial.

Izabella 7 Pro Bundle

Izabella 7 Pro Bundle

Izabella 7 is a teenage character perfect for any fantasy or modern scene. She comes with both human and elf ears and is as stunning as she is charming. She's book smart with girl-next-store beauty but has been known to have a sassy, witty side that keeps you guessing.

Gumroad - Xgen Hair for Characters (Tom Newbury)

Xgen Hair for Characters

Recently I decided to learn Xgen for Maya because I wanted to give my character some convincing hair. I found it strange that there was very few quality tutorials out there explaining a solid process of doing this.

I learnt as much as I could from the tutorials available and self taught the rest. I thought this would be a great opportunity to share what I had learnt.

In this tutorial you will receive over 4 hours of content which describes my process of generating hair without the use of scripts or expressions. This includes generating scalps to grow the hairs from and the process of applying and grooming hair for all regions of the head and face, including:

- head

- eyebrows

- eyelashes

- beard

- peach fuzz

In the final chapter I then show you how to use arnold to build convincing hair shaders and render them for the desired result.

The software used in this tutorial consists of Zbrush, Maya 2017 and Arnold for rendering.

If you want a quick preview of what can be seen in the tutorial hit the link below and it will show you my intro video:


I hope you enjoy the tutorial.


Gumroad - Xgen Hair for Characters (Tom Newbury)

Xgen Hair for Characters

Recently I decided to learn Xgen for Maya because I wanted to give my character some convincing hair. I found it strange that there was very few quality tutorials out there explaining a solid process of doing this.

I learnt as much as I could from the tutorials available and self taught the rest. I thought this would be a great opportunity to share what I had learnt.

In this tutorial you will receive over 4 hours of content which describes my process of generating hair without the use of scripts or expressions. This includes generating scalps to grow the hairs from and the process of applying and grooming hair for all regions of the head and face, including:

- head

- eyebrows

- eyelashes

- beard

- peach fuzz

In the final chapter I then show you how to use arnold to build convincing hair shaders and render them for the desired result.

The software used in this tutorial consists of Zbrush, Maya 2017 and Arnold for rendering.

If you want a quick preview of what can be seen in the tutorial hit the link below and it will show you my intro video:


I hope you enjoy the tutorial.


Kayla Rig Maya 2012-2017

Kayla Rig from josh sobel(Maya 2012-2017).
Please support artist and buy your own copy.
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