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Domestika - Prototipado y visualizaciones de producto en Cinema 4D (Spanish)

¿Qué incluye este curso?
Comenzarás conociendo el trabajo de Aarón Martínez en el ámbito de la visualización y desarrollo de productos así como algunas de sus referencias favoritas.

A continuación, Aarón te explicará las herramientas y el proceso de trabajo en Cinema 4D e Illustrator que utilizarás durante el curso: cómo se preparan los assets, proceso de modelado, técnicas de iluminación, creación de materiales, texturas y render.

[Unity] Easy Mobile Pro v2.1.3


Easy Mobile is a many-in-one plugin that greatly simplifies the implementation of common-features-on-every-mobile-game such as advertising, in-app purchasing, game services, notifications, sharing, etc. Our vision is to create a standard package that is integrated in every Unity mobile game, taking care of all "necessary evils" so you can focus on doing the most important thing in game development: creating fun!

This is the Pro version of Easy Mobile. Other version: EM Basic
* See the feature comparison image for differences between EM Pro and EM Basic.

▪ Cross-platform: intuitive, cross-platform API that can accomplish most tasks with a single line of code.
▪ Friendly Editor: beautiful & easy-to-use editor for controlling everything from one place.
▪ Automation: automating chores such as service initialization and ad loading.
▪ Modular Design: use only what are needed and not be worried about redundancies or contradictions with existing code.
▪ Leveraging Official SDKs: to form a coherent system that maximizes usability and reliability - without reinventing the wheel!

Website | User Guide | API Reference | Video Tutorials | Forum | Support

Demo APK | Join our Beta testing campaign to test IAP without being charged

This plugin is currently packed with the following modules ([Pro] features are only available on this version):

▪ Advertising
- AdColony, AdMob, Chartboost, Facebook Audience Network, Heyzap (Fyber), ironSource, MoPub, Tapjoy & Unity Ads support.
- One unified API for all ad networks.
- Automatic ad loading.
- Banner, interstitial and rewarded ads.
- Multiple ad placements.
- User consent support (GDPR compliant).

▪ Game Services
- Game Center (iOS) and Google Play Game Services (Android) support.
- Leverages Google Play Games plugin for Unity.
- Leaderboards & Achievements.
- [Pro] Saved Games (using iCloud & Google Drive).
- [Pro] Turn-Based Multiplayer.
- [Pro] Real-Time Multiplayer.

- Low-overhead screen recorder.
- Built-in players for recorded clip playback.
- Mobile-friendly GIF encoder.
- Giphy upload API for sharing GIF to social networks.
-> Demo: GIF Image 1 | GIF Image 2 | Testing Clip

▪ In-App Purchasing
- Leverages Unity In-App Purchasing service.
- Multiple stores supported: App Store, Google Play, Amazon Apps, etc.
- Consumable, non-consumable & subscription products.
- Auto initialization.
- Custom editor for easy management of product catalog.
- Local receipt validation.
- Apple's Ask-To-Buy.
- Apple's Promotional Purchases.

▪ Native APIs
- UI: mobile native UI elements (alerts, toasts).
- [Pro] Camera & Gallery API: taking photos, recording videos, picking images from the device gallery, etc.
- [Pro] Contacts API: adding, picking, deleting contacts.

▪ Notifications
- Fully-customizable local notifications.
- Android 8.0 notification channels & channel groups support.
- Push notifications: OneSignal and Firebase Cloud Messaging support.
- User consent support (GDPR compliant).

▪ Privacy
- Tools and resources to help with getting GDPR-compliant.
- Native consent dialog that provides a common consent collecting interface for all relevant services.
- Built-in flexible consent management system.
- Location detector to check if the current device is in the European Economic Area region (affected by GDPR).

▪ Sharing
- Shares texts, URLs and images using the mobile native sharing functionality.

▪ Utilities
- Store Review: an effective way to ask for app rating using the system-provided rating prompt on iOS and a highly customizable native popup on Android.

◈ APIs:
- C# language.
- [Pro] Visual Scripting (Playmaker support with over 100 actions).

- Easy Mobile supports two major mobile platforms: iOS and Android.
- Easy Mobile works with any Unity project targeting iOS and Android, not just SgLib Games' templates.
- Full C# source code is included.

Your rating, review and feedback are much appreciated!

Website | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube

This asset uses:
- "Moments" recoder by Thomas Hourdel under Zlib license.
- Montserrat font under the Open Font License.
- Josefin Sans font under the Open Font License.
* See Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.

[Unity] MegaFiers v3.14


A complete Mesh deformation, animation and Morphing system including over 50 modifiers such as Bend, Twist, FFD, Displace, Taper. They can be stacked in any combination and any number of modifiers can be applied to a mesh to achieve complex results. Objects can stretch, squash, morph or be bent over of deformed, whatever your imagination allows. The morph system is the most advanced available for Unity. Recent additions to the suite include Point Cache animation support, a physics based rope system and a dynamic water ripple and floating object system. MegaFiers is written in C# and all source code is included, also it makes use of multiple CPU's for amazing performance and works on all platforms and with the Free version of Unity. Compatible with Unity 3, 4, 5, 2017 and 2018 and works on IOS and Android and all other Unity platforms.

Also included is an advanced spline system which also allows for path following or conversion of splines to meshes, a dynamic hose system and a system for tracked vehicles, and an advanced mesh wrapping system for applying clothing etc. to deforming objects.

Also available on our Website is a set of PlayMaker actions which includes actions for over 50 modifiers and warps.

Compatible with all versions of Unity
New Feature - Now works with Text Mesh Pro meshes.
New Feature - Import OBJ sequences

Included Modifiers
- Attractor Bezier
- Bend
- Bubble
- Bulge
- Collision Deform
- Conform
- Conform Multi
- Crumple
- Curve Deform
- Curve Sculpt
- Curve Sculpt Layers
- Cylindrify
- Deformable
- Displace
- Displace Limits
- Displace RT
- Displace WebCam
- Dynamic Ripple
- FFD 2x2x2
- FFD 3x3x3
- FFD 4x4x4
- Globe
- HIt Deform
- Hump
- Melt
- Morph
- Noise
- Page Flip
- Paint
- Path Deform
- Pivot Adjust
- Point Cache
- Push
- Radial Skew
- Relax
- Ripple
- Rolled
- Rope Deform
- Rubber
- Scale
- Selection Modifiers
- Simple Test
- Sinus Curve
- Spherify
- Squeeze
- Stretch
- Taper
- Tree Bend
- Twist
- UV modifiers
- Vertex Anim
- Vert Noise
- Warps (Warp versions of most modifiers)
- Wave
- Waving
- World Path Deform

Other Features Include
- MegaShapes Lite, full Bezier spline and meshing system
- KML, SVG Spline Import
- Custom Spline exporters for Maya, Max and Blender
- MegaGrab for very high res screen grabs
- Attach Objects System
- Wrap mesh, Great for clothing
- Animated Book
- Paper Scroll System
- Bezier Patch Image deform
- Spline Path Follow system
- Dynamic Hose system
- Tracked Vehicle system
- Train Follow System
- OBJ sequence import and playback

Features Video
Deforming Heads

PlayRoom Demo

Tutorial Demo Scene

MegaFier Videos

Video Tutorials

Head Model not included. Please visit the MegaFiers Website for more information.

[Unity] Ultimate Character Controller + Integrations v2.1.4


Opsive's Ultimate Character Controller is the most powerful character controller on the Asset Store. It is a professional, kinematic character controller designed to include the smoothest first and third person controls and to excel in all areas: PC, mobile, console, AI, networking, and VR.*

The Ultimate Character Controller was built from the ground up with over six years of experience from version 1 of UFPS and the Third Person Controller.

It contains many unique features not typically found in other character controllers - from the seamless first and third person perspective switch to the spring system which allows for fluid, procedural first person animations. Other unique features include the ability system, dynamic gravity, and being able to change the time scale on a per-character basis.

Overview | Demo | Documentation | Videos | Forum | Discord

- Kinematic Character Controller
- First & Third Person Camera Controller
- Seamlessly Switch Perspectives
- Dynamic Gravity System
- Advanced Moving Platform System
- Extensible Ability System
- Supports Dual Wielding
- Procedural Spring Animations
- Full Body Awareness
- Visible Trajectory Curve
- Inverse Kinematics (IK)
- Wide Variety of Shootable Weapons
- Wide Variety of Melee Weapons
- Melee Block, Parry & Counter Attacks
- Jumping Melee Attacks
- Melee Recoil Animations
- Special Attacks
- Dynamic Effects with Surface System
- Virtual Controls
- Pickup Objects
- Damage System
- Spawn System
- Object Pooler
- Build Characters and Items in Seconds
- AI Integration with Behavior Designer
- 275+ Pages of Documentation
- Tutorial Videos

- Align to Ground
- Align to Gravity Zone
- Damage Visualization
- Die
- Fall
- Follow 2.5D Path
- Generic
- Height Change
- Idle
- Interact
- Item Equip Verifier
- Item Pullback
- Jump
- Lean
- Move Towards
- NavMesh Movement
- Pickup Item
- Quick Start
- Quick Stop
- Quick Turn
- Ragdoll
- Restrict Position
- Restrict Rotation
- Revive
- Ride
- Rideable
- Slide
- Speed Change
- Stop Movement Animation
- Target Orbit

- A* Pathfinding Project
- Adventure Creator
- Behavior Designer
- Cinemachine
- Control Freak
- DestroyIt
- Dialogue System
- Easy Touch
- Final IK
- FPS Mesh Tool
- InControl
- Playmaker
- Quest Machine
- Rewired

Agility Pack

*Networking and VR addons are in development.

**The LWRP is not currently supported in a first person perspective.

[Unity] Daily Rewards v1.3.1


Daily Rewards and Timed Rewards are a great way to increase retention but also helps monetization as players get a sense of the benefit of having more coins/currency within the game.

Avoid player cheating by changing the device clock! This asset uses an anti-cheating mechanism that uses a network clock.

• Supports multiple days (even weeks or months)
• Timed rewards feature for a single or multiple rewards per seconds interval
• Mobile ready
• Easy to use
• Easy to integrate
• Portrait and Landscape versions

Check the live demo here

Check a those games running Daily Rewards: here and here

Do you have a cool game running Daily Rewards? Let me know in the forums or through e-mail!

Forum thread


Prototipado y visualizaciones de producto en Cinema 4D

Aprende a idear, modelar y presentar objetos 3D a partir de elementos vectoriales
El diseñador e ilustrador Aarón Martínez te enseñará técnicas avanzadas de modelado, texturizado, iluminación y render en Cinema 4D tomando como punto de partida elementos vectoriales de Illustrator que podrás aplicar a gran variedad de proyectos: bodegones, visualizaciones de productos, letreros animados, etc.

Aarón también imparte en Domestika el curso "Diseño de personajes en Cinema 4D: del boceto a la impresión 3D", donde enseña los conceptos básicos del diseño de personajes en 3D.

an los assets, proceso de modelado, técnicas de iluminación, creación de materiales, texturas y render.

Durante el curso realizarás tres ejercicios diferentes que servirán como proyecto final:

El primer proyecto será la realización de un bodegón 3D. Para ello, aprenderás técnicas avanzadas de modelado, texturizado e iluminación de una escena y colocarás cámaras con diferentes tipos de lente. Más tarde realizarás el render, darás los últimos detalles de postproducción con Photoshop y descubrirás como presentar esta pieza en diferentes soportes gráficos.

Más adelante, idearás y realizarás el modelado de un gadget del futuro. Verás algunas referencias visuales y crearás tus primeros bocetos. Seguidamente modelarás el objeto y le añadirás interactividad (consiguiendo que se abra, se transforme y sea funcional). Para finalizar dotarás de realismo a tu objeto mediante texturas e iluminación. Una vez realizado el render, aprenderás como hacer una landing page muy sencilla con Sketch para presentar o vender tu producto.

El tercer proyecto que desarrollarás será un letrero animado. A partir de una ilustración vectorial realizada en Illustrator, aprenderás a dar volumen y jerarquizar correctamente los elementos de la composición, darás textura, color a la pieza y finalmente crearás un loop animado para presentar el proyecto.

¿Cuál es el proyecto del curso?
Al final del curso, presentarás tres proyectos: un bodegón en 3D, el modelado de un gadget del futuro y un letrero animado.

¿A quién está dirigido?
A animadores, diseñadores, ilustradores y creativos en general que quieran profundizar en el mundo del modelado 3D y estén interesados en aprender a visualizar diferentes productos y objetos.

Se requieren conocimientos básicos de modelado en Cinema 4D e Ilustración vectorial. También necesitarás una computadora con la versión 13 de Cinema 4D, Illustrator y Photoshop.

Web: https://www.domestika.org/es/courses/159-prototipado-y-visualizaciones-de-producto-en-cinema-4d

Adobe Zii 2019 4.3.5

Supported Products:

Adobe Acrobat DC 19.x (universal amtlib)
Adobe After Effects CC 2019 v16.1.1
Adobe Animate CC 2019 v19.2
Adobe Audition CC 2019 v12.1
Adobe Bridge CC 2019 v9.0.3
Adobe Character Animator CC 2019 v2.1
Adobe Dimension CC v2.x (universal amtlib)
Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2019 v19.1
Adobe Illustrator CC 2019 v23.0.3
Adobe InCopy CC 2019 v14.0.2
Adobe Indesign CC 2019 v14.0.2
Adobe Lightroom CC v2.2.1
Adobe Lightroom Classic CC v8.2.1
Adobe Media Encoder CC 2019 v13.1
Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 v20.0.4
Adobe Prelude CC 2019 v8.1
Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2019 v13.1 – v13.1.2
Adobe XD v18.0.12.7 –

What’s New Version 4.3.5:

Adobe Bridge CC 2019 v9.1.0.338

Adobe Zii CC2019 4.3.6 TNT [macOS]

Adobe Zii CC2019 4.3.6 TNT [macOS]

What's Added:
Adobe After Effects CC 2019 v16.1.2
Adobe Character Animator CC 2019 v2.1.1
Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 v20.0.5
Adobe XD v20.0.12.10

Maxtree - Plant Models Vol.18

Formats: MAX | FBX
Software | Plugin: 3Ds max 2012 | GrowFX 1.99 sp7 | Forest Pack Pro 5.0 or above
Renderers: Corona 1.7 | V-Ray 3.6 | Scanline or above
Total size: 2.78GB
Forest Library: Yes
Textures: Yes
Materials: Yes
UVW Mapped: Yes
Cover Scenes with lights: Yes ( Corona Materials only )


Maxtree - Plant Models Vol.18

Formats: MAX | FBX
Software | Plugin: 3Ds max 2012 | GrowFX 1.99 sp7 | Forest Pack Pro 5.0 or above
Renderers: Corona 1.7 | V-Ray 3.6 | Scanline or above
Total size: 2.78GB
Forest Library: Yes
Textures: Yes
Materials: Yes
UVW Mapped: Yes
Cover Scenes with lights: Yes ( Corona Materials only )


Maxtree - Plant Models Vol.18


Domestika- Introduction to After Effects [Spanish]


Aprende a dominar After Effects, una de las herramientas fundamentales de motion graphics, animación y postproducción de vídeo para tv, cine y redes sociales
Con estos 6 cursos usarás After Effects desde el primer día tanto si acabas de empezar como si ya estás familiarizado con el programa. A través de lecciones prácticas descubrirás todo lo que necesitas saber para convertirte en un profesional del diseño de animaciones.

Más adelante, empezarás a usar máscaras y capas, elementos fundamentales para la animación en 2D. Crearás diferentes efectos de vídeo y aprenderás a usar el animador de texto y expresiones de animación. También verás el espacio 3D y el manejo de cámaras y luces así como la composición en tres dimensiones de diferentes elementos importados de otros programas.

Por último, el profesor te revelará sus técnicas avanzadas de motion graphics, trucos y scripts con los que podrás ampliar aun más las posibilidades de After Effects.


Curso 1 - Conceptos básicos: flujo de trabajo, timeline y máscaras
Curso 2 - Espacio 3D: capas, cámaras, luz y profundidad
Curso 3 - Motion graphics: capas de forma y texto animado
Curso 4 - Postproducción: efectos y animación en imagen real
Curso 5 - Composición 3D: medios externos de motion graphics
Curso 6 - Conceptos avanzados: scripts, plugins y trucos


Learn to master After Effects, one of the fundamental tools of motion graphics, animation and video postproduction for TV, cinema and social networks
With these 6 courses you will use After Effects from the first day, whether you have just started or already are familiar with the program. Through practical lessons you will discover everything you need to know to become a professional in the design of animations.

Later, you'll start using masks and layers, fundamental elements for 2D animation. You will create different video effects and you will learn to use the animator of text and expressions of animation. You will also see 3D space and the management of cameras and lights as well as the composition in three dimensions of different elements imported from other programs.

Finally, the teacher will reveal his advanced techniques of motion graphics, tricks and scripts with which you can further expand the possibilities of After Effects.


Course 1 - Basic concepts: workflow, timeline and masks
Course 2 - 3D space: layers, cameras, light and depth
Course 3 - Motion graphics: shape layers and animated text
Course 4 - Postproduction: effects and animation in real image
Course 5 - 3D Composition: external media of motion graphics
Course 6 - Advanced concepts: scripts, plugins and tricks


MESHmachine is a blender mesh modeling addon with a focus on hard surface work without subdivision surfaces.

Fuse and Unfuse Surfaces, create Variable Fillets and Washouts, edit and fix Bevel geometry, Unbevel and Unchamfer, clean up Boolean Intersections and create perimeter loops, keep earlier mesh states around as Stashes and use them for Normal Transfers, flatten and straighten normals, symmetrize and mirror custom normals, and detail surfaces flawlessly using Plugs - incl. your own custom made ones.

Aescripts Magnum v3.3 Win/Mac

Automagically detects edits in footage. Now with an all new detection engine that is easier to use and gives better results.

After Effects CS6 - CC 2019


Aescripts Bodymovin v5.5.5 Win/Mac

An After Effects extension to export animations for web. Animations are exported as .json files that use the bodymovin.js player that comes along with the plugin. You can render animations in the browser on svg, canvas and html. It supports a subset of After Effects features. Animations can also be played natively on iOS and Android through Lottie

After Effects CC 2014 - CC 2019


Adobe XD CC2019 v12.0.2.10 TNT [macOS]

Adobe XD is a vector-based tool developed and published by Adobe Inc for designing and prototyping user experience for web and mobile apps.
XD supports vector design and website wireframing, and creating simple interactive click-through prototypes.
Introducing Design Systems in Adobe XD: Easily Create, Share, and Manage Reusable Colors, Styles, and Components with Your Team.

Domestika - Introduction to After Effects [Spanish]

Aprende a dominar After Effects, una de las herramientas fundamentales de motion graphics, animación y postproducción de vídeo para tv, cine y redes sociales
Con estos 6 cursos usarás After Effects desde el primer día tanto si acabas de empezar como si ya estás familiarizado con el programa. A través de lecciones prácticas descubrirás todo lo que necesitas saber para convertirte en un profesional del diseño de animaciones.

English //
Learn to master After Effects, one of the fundamental tools of motion graphics, animation and video postproduction for TV, cinema and social networks
With these 6 courses you will use After Effects from the first day, whether you have just started or already are familiar with the program. Through practical lessons you will discover everything you need to know to become a professional in the design of animations.

Blitz 3D Scene - Cinema 4D scene and tutorial, Octane render

This package contains an 8min Scene Introduction & Navigation Video, Highres Renderoutput (Passes, Beauty, a Clay, a Highres Image with Postwork applied) and a 3D Scene File + Textures for Cinema 4D & Octane for C4D.

'Blitz' is an Artwork released in march 2019. I worked on it over the course of 6 Months and spend many hours concepting, planing and realizing it to the form you can see here: https://corneliusdammrich.com/blitz

Every content of the package you can buy here is entirely made from scratch and made for that artwork. It contains over

[Scene Introduction & Navigation Video]
An 8min long video that explains how to navigate the scene, how the dust is setup using octane scatter, how materials use the texture masks and where to find the light.

[Highres Renderoutput]
16 Highres Passes rendered in 32bit Linear OpenEXR (if you would render the scene, it would output exactly these), a JPG showing the final image with postwork applied and a clayrendering.

[3D Scene File + Textures]
The 3D Scene, with all materials and Textures. The Scene doesn't take up too much resources, you can render it using a 980ti since it's doesn't take more than 6gb of Vram. It contains over 20 Individual Assets.

Disclaimer: I can't provide you with the model of the Character in that Scene. If you buy it, you will get the bomb, the dust, all the textures and all assets but NOT the Character.

6088AD Tutorial, Walkthrough, Scenefiles - Cinema 4d scene, Octane render

1 video, 1:34 hours long, containing a timelapse with audio commentary by Cornelius Dammrich and music, summarizing the whole project and giving detailed background knowledge of the 2,5 months creation process of the 6088AD artwork.

Comprehensive Timelapse

9 videos, 8:49 hours long, containing a full timelapse of 6088AD creation process, from start to finish in 9 chapters.

Original Soundtrack

Containing all tracks that were specially composed for this project. 10 tracks in total composed by Lukas Guziel.

6088AD Scenefiles

One 3D File for C4D, containing all assets and materials and all textures used in the scene.

The scene is almost one gigabyte in size and was rendered with two Titan X (maxwell). It was tested on several workstations and should render with a GTX 1080TI as well. If for some reason octane doesn't render the whole image, this is due to the size of the scene and its ram usage. You can change that by disabling objects and layers. I cannot guarantee that you can render this scene with all its details on every PC out there - a GTX 980TI won’t be enough, but I encourage you to reshade, rebuild and alter it in every way you like - it’s basically a huge collection of assets for you to play around with. If you buy this package, you gain unlimited use of the scene and its assets for personal projects - for commercial use, please contact me via mail[at]zomax.net

Domestika - Prototipado y visualizaciones de producto en Cinema 4D (Spanish)

Aprende a idear, modelar y presentar objetos 3D a partir de elementos vectoriales
El diseñador e ilustrador Aarón Martínez te enseñará técnicas avanzadas de modelado, texturizado, iluminación y render en Cinema 4D tomando como punto de partida elementos vectoriales de Illustrator que podrás aplicar a gran variedad de proyectos: bodegones, visualizaciones de productos, letreros animados, etc.

Aarón también imparte en Domestika el curso "Diseño de personajes en Cinema 4D: del boceto a la impresión 3D", donde enseña los conceptos básicos del diseño de personajes en 3D.

¿Qué incluye este curso?
Comenzarás conociendo el trabajo de Aarón Martínez en el ámbito de la visualización y desarrollo de productos así como algunas de sus referencias favoritas.

A continuación, Aarón te explicará las herramientas y el proceso de trabajo en Cinema 4D e Illustrator que utilizarás durante el curso: cómo se preparan los assets, proceso de modelado, técnicas de iluminación, creación de materiales, texturas y render.

Durante el curso realizarás tres ejercicios diferentes que servirán como proyecto final:

El primer proyecto será la realización de un bodegón 3D. Para ello, aprenderás técnicas avanzadas de modelado, texturizado e iluminación de una escena y colocarás cámaras con diferentes tipos de lente. Más tarde realizarás el render, darás los últimos detalles de postproducción con Photoshop y descubrirás como presentar esta pieza en diferentes soportes gráficos.

Más adelante, idearás y realizarás el modelado de un gadget del futuro. Verás algunas referencias visuales y crearás tus primeros bocetos. Seguidamente modelarás el objeto y le añadirás interactividad (consiguiendo que se abra, se transforme y sea funcional). Para finalizar dotarás de realismo a tu objeto mediante texturas e iluminación. Una vez realizado el render, aprenderás como hacer una landing page muy sencilla con Sketch para presentar o vender tu producto.

El tercer proyecto que desarrollarás será un letrero animado. A partir de una ilustración vectorial realizada en Illustrator, aprenderás a dar volumen y jerarquizar correctamente los elementos de la composición, darás textura, color a la pieza y finalmente crearás un loop animado para presentar el proyecto.

¿Cuál es el proyecto del curso?
Al final del curso, presentarás tres proyectos: un bodegón en 3D, el modelado de un gadget del futuro y un letrero animado.

¿A quién está dirigido?
A animadores, diseñadores, ilustradores y creativos en general que quieran profundizar en el mundo del modelado 3D y estén interesados en aprender a visualizar diferentes productos y objetos.

Se requieren conocimientos básicos de modelado en Cinema 4D e Ilustración vectorial. También necesitarás una computadora con la versión 13 de Cinema 4D, Illustrator y Photoshop.

Web: https://www.domestika.org/es/courses/159-prototipado-y-visualizaciones-de-producto-en-cinema-4d
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